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  • 27) Alagador, D. accepted. Spatial adaptive responses of highly threatened European mammal species under climate change
  • 26) González-Trujillo, J.D.; Alagador, D.; Gonzalez-Del_Pliego, P.; Araújo, M.B. 2024.  Exposure of protected areas in Central America to extreme  weather events. Conservation Biology, e14251 (doi: 10.1111/cobi.14251).
  • 25) Jung, M.; Alagador, D.; Chapman, M.; Hermoso, V.; Kujala, H.; O'Connor, L.;Schinegger,R.; Verburg, P.; Visconti, P. 2023. An Assessment of the State of Conservation Planning in Europe. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B (doi:10.1098/rstb.2023.0015).
  • 24) Alagador, D. 2022. Effective conservation planning of Iberian amphibians based on a regionalization of climate driven range shifts. Conservation Biology, e14026 (doi: 10.1111/cobi.14026)
  • 23) Alagador, D.; Cerdeira, J.O. 2022. Operations Research applicability in spatial conservation planning. Journal of Environmental Managament, 315, 115172 (doi: 1016/j.jenvman.2022.115172)
  • 22) Alagador, D.; Cerdeira, J.O. Operations Research and cost-effective spatial conservation planning: data, models, tools and future directions. Preprints 2021, 2021120035 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202112.0035.v1)
  • 21) Dupont-Doaré, C; Alagador, D. 2021. Overlooked effects of temporal resolution choice on climate-proof spatial conservation plans for biodiversity. Biological Conservation, 263: 109330 (doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2021.109330)
  • 20) Chacón-Prieto, F; Rodríguez-Soto, C; Cuervo-Robayo, AP; Monroy, JCC; Alagador, D. 2021. Protected areas in Central Mexico - are they fit in promoting species persistence under climate and land use changes? Biological Conservation 260: 109186 (doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2021.109186)
  • 19) Alagador D; Cerdeira JO. 2020. Revisiting the minimum set cover, the maximal coverage models and a maximum benefit area selection model to make climate-change-concerned conservation plans effective. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 11: 1325-1337 (doi: 10.1111/2041-210X.13455)
  • 18) Cerdeira, JO; Monteiro-Henriques, T; Martins, MJ; Silva, PC; Alagador, D; Franco, AMA; Campagmolo, ML; Arsénio, P; Aguiar, F; Cabeza, M. 2019. Revisiting niche fundamentals with Tukey depth. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 9: 2349-2361 (doi: 10.1111/2041-210X.13074)
  • 17) Herrera, J; Alagador, D; Salgueiro, P; Mira, A. 2018. A distribution-oriented approach to support landscape connectivity for ecologically distinct bird species. Plos One (doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0194848)
  • 16) Alagador, D; Cerdeira, JO. 2018. A quantitative analysis on the effects of critical factors limiting the effectiveness of species conservation in future-time. Ecology and Evolution, 8: 3457-3467 (doi: 10.1002/ece3.3788)
  • 15) Buchadas, A; Vaz, AS; Honrado, JP; Alagador, D; Bastos, R; Cabral, JA; Santos, M; Vicente, JR. 2017. Dynamic modelling in research and management of biological invasions. Journal of Environmental Management, 196: 594-606 (doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2017.03.060)
  • 14) Alagador, D & Cerdeira, JO. 2017. Meeting species persistence targets under climate change: a spatially-explicit conservation planning model. Diversity and Distributions, 23: 703-713 (doi: 10.1111/ddi.12562)
  • 13) Vicente, JR; Alagador, D; Guerra, C; Alonso, JM; Kueffer, C; Vaz, AS; Fernandes, RF; Cabral, JA; Araújo, MB, Honrado, JP. 2016. Effective and cost-efficient monitoring of biological invasions under global change: A model-based framework. Journal of Applied Ecology, 53: 1317:1329  (doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.12631)
  • 12) Alagador, D; Cerdeira, JO; Araújo, MB. 2016. Climate change, species range shifts and dispersal corridors: a portfolio of spatial conservation models. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 7: 853–866 (doi: 10.1111/2041-210X.12524)
  • 11) Cerdeira, JO; Monteiro-Henriques, T; Martins, MJ; Silva; P; Alagador, D & Franco, A. 2014. Mathematical contributions to link biota with environment. Journal of Vegetation Science, 25: 1148–1153 (doi: 10.1111/jvs.12188)
  • 10) Alagador, D; Cerdeira, JO; Araújo, MB. 2014. Shifting protected areas: scheduling spatial priorities under climate change. Journal of Applied Ecology, 51: 703-713 (doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.12230)
  • 9) Shoo, LP; Hoffmann, AA; Garnett, S.; Pressey, RL; Williams, YM; Taylor, M; Falconi, L; Yates, CJ; Scott, JK; Alagador, D; Williams, SE. 2013. Making decisions to conserve species under climate change. Climatic Change, 119: 239-246 (doi: 10.1007/s10584-013-0699-2)
  • 8) Brás, R; Cerdeira, JO; Alagador, D & Araújo, MB. 2013. Linking habitats for multiple species. Environmental Modelling and Software, 40: 336-339 (doi: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2012.08.001)
  • 7) Oliveira, G; Araújo, MB; Rangel, TFLVB; Alagador, D; Diniz-Filho, JAF. 2012. Conserving the Brazilian semiarid (Caatinga) biome under climate change. Biodiversity and Conservation, 21: 2913–2926 (doi: 10.1007/s10531-012-0346-7)
  • 6) Alagador, D; Triviño, M; Cerdeira, JO; Brás, R; Cabeza, M & Araújo, MB. 2012. Linking like with like: optimising connectivity between environmentally-similar habitats. Landscape Ecology, 27 (2): 291-301 (doi: 10.1007/s10980-012-9704-9)
  • 5) Araújo, MB; Alagador, D; Cabeza, M; Nogués-Bravo, D & Thuiller, W. 2011. Climate change threatens European conservation areas. Ecology Letters, 14: 484-492 (doi: 10.1111/j.1461-0248.2011.01610.x)
  • 4) Alagador, D; Martins, MJ; Cerdeira, JO; Brás, R; Cabeza, M & Araújo, MB. 2011. A probability-based approach to match species with reserves when data are at different resolutions. Biological Conservation, 144 (2): 811-820 (doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2010.11.011)
  • 3) Alagador, D & Cerdeira, JO. 2007. Designing spatially-explicit ecological reserve networks in the presence of mandatory sites. Biological Conservation, 137: 254-262 (doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2007.02.008)
  • 2) Alagador, D & Costa, PM. 2003. Distribution patterns of deep-sea benthopelagic fish off Algarve coast, Portugal. Boletín del Instituto Español de Oceanografía, 19 (1-4): 407-417. (link)
  • 1) Alagador, D & Murta, A. 2002. A comparison of staining techniques to improve precision of age estimations from fish otoliths. Journal of Fish Biology, 61 (3): 839-841 (doi: 10.1111/j.1095-8649.2002.tb00915.x)
Anchor 1

iC5 - Climate Change Concerned Conservation Corridors (under development)


MulTyLink - Multiple Types Linkages: a tool to identify optimized connectivity areas for multiple species

  • 6) Alagador, D. 2020. New Paradigms for Modern Biogeography Conservation. In Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Goal 15: Life on Earth (Eds. Filho, WL, Azul, AM, Brandli, L, Özuyar, PG & Wall, T). Springer International Publishing, , Cham Switzerland.
  • 5) Alagador, D & Cerdeira, JO. 2019. Introducing spatio-temporal conservation units: models for flexible optimization of species persistence under climate change. In: Handbook of Climate Change and Biodiversity. pp. 243-258. Springer International Publishing, , Cham Switzerland.
  • 4) Vicente, J; Honrado, J; Guerra, C; Gonçalves, J; Vaz, As; Araújo, M.B.; Alagador, D; Henriques, R; Alonso; J; Marchante, E; Marchante, H; Canning-Clode, J; Rodrigues, A; Capinha, C; Nourisson, C; Bastos, R; Cabral, J & Santos, M. 2017. Previsão e Avaliação do Risco Associado às Invasões Biológicas. In: Invasões Biológicas Em Portugal: História, Diversidade e Gestão (Eds. Vicente, J; Queiroz, A.I.; Silva, L.; Marchante, E. & Honrado, J.)
  • 3) Alagador, D & Cerdeira, JO. 2015. A model to minimize costs and promote species persistence under climate change. In: Operations Research and Big Data - IO2015-XVII Congress of Portuguese Association of Operational Research (eds: Póvoa, APFDB, de Miranda, JL.), pp 1-8. Springer International Publishing   (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-24154-8)
  • 2) Sousa Reis, C; Lemos, R & Alagador, D. 2006. Pescas. In: Alterações Climáticas em Portugal. Cenários, Impactos e Medidas de Adaptação: Projecto SIAM II  (eds: Santos, F.D. & P. Miranda), pp. 345-384. Gradiva, Lisboa.
  • 1) Sousa Reis, C; Lemos, R & Alagador, D. 2006. Pescas: Estudo do caso do estuário do Sado. In : Alterações Climáticas em Portugal. Cenários, Impactos e Medidas de Adaptação: Projecto SIAM II  (eds: Santos, F.D. & P. Miranda), pp. 438-451. Gradiva, Lisboa.
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